Beans GApps Or Open Gapps, Which One to Choose?

beans gapps vs open gapps
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Beans GApps VS Open Gapps

What does Google Apps aka GApps mean?

Google Apps is a Web-based and collaborative Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that customizes the proprietary Google platform and brand for businesses of all sizes, including large enterprises. Google Apps facilitates the provisioning of Google applications and user/enterprise management tools, including Gmail, Google Talk, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Videos and Google Cloud Connect.


Google Apps is backed by the same infrastructure and resources provided by the standard Google services. It features 99.9 percent uptime availability, administrative support, and other corporate support features explicitly described in the Google Apps Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Google Apps customizes applications for different industries, as described below:

  • Google Apps (free): Gmail (up to ten free email accounts), Google Calendar, Google Sites, and Google Docs
  • Google Apps for education: Free applications for schools
  • Google Apps for business: Paid version, which provides Web-based application tools for collaboration
  • Google Apps for government: Web-based and government certified collaboration tools
  • Google Apps for nonprofit: Collaboration and communication tools for U.S. nonprofit organizations

Open GApps

The Open GApps Project is an open-source effort to script the automatic generation of up-to-date Google Apps packages.
On you can find more information about the project effort and also pre-built Google Apps packages generated by the buildbot.Some highlights about the characteristics of the Open GApps packages:

  • All platforms and all Android versions are supported
  • DPI-optimized support for all Google packages (unlike other GApps)
  • Frequently updated Google Apps: The pre-built packages are updated every (European) night (if there are any updated Google Apps available)
  • Strong compression, allowing for relatively small downloads of even the most complete packages
  • Automatic backup: It is not necessary to re-flash Google Apps when you flash a ROM update. Most ROMs support this (addon.d) function
  • The installer checks your device’s capabilities, like the system partition size. It will notify you, before making any changes, if it finds any problems
  • Several package variations, from a Google Super Package (includes all applications that ever shipped on a Google device) to a Stock package that equals the set of applications found on the most current and complete Nexus, to smaller, minimalist packages and an AROMA package that allows graphical selection of what to install
  • A special ‘for Stock ROM’ installation mode that allows updating the Google Apps on Stock ROMs that conform to the original Google Nexus filesystem structure.

The pre-built packages from are provided ONLY as a courtesy by without warranty of ANY kind, under the terms that they can be freely used for personal use only, and are not allowed to be mirrored to the public other than

beans gapps vs open gapps

Beans Gapps

This project was created to fill the void for every custom 8.1 ROM out there as there was no official builds yet (until 1st of March).
These builds were just a compilation from the official OpenGApps Github source for the Android 8.1 for ARM/ARM64 devices with some added fixes.


  • Core Google syncing APKs (Google Play Services, SetupWizard, Google Play Store)
  • Core Google libs (Facelock, TTS)
  • Google App
  • Legacy support for swyping on AOSP LatinIME Keyboard


  • Everything in Mini
  • Gboard
  • Google Messenger
  • Google Talkback
  • Google Hangouts
  • Google Clock
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Photos
  • Google Camera
  • Google Chrome

Q: What’s the difference between these packages and Open GApps?
A: Don’t get too hung up on this, they are just GApps after all but here are the major points:

  • No x86 support
  • One package for both ARM and ARM64 devices as opposed to two separate zips
  • Only two variants here as opposed to seven from Open GApps
  • Different scripting/packaging styles
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