Compress Files to Very Small Size
Have you ever wondered how some people are used to manage large numbers of files to worry small size? In this article, I will show you how to Compress large files in very small size and as mentioned in the heading, I will show you how I compressed a file of 1GB in just 1MB.
One thing you should remember is that there is no software that can compress highly compressed files which are already compressed. Simply put, you can not include media files like JPEG or MP3 files because these files are already in a compressed format, however, this method will work for raw media files and many other different formats.
The tool I’ll be going to use to highly compress files in this tutorial is called FreeArc. This is a compression tool, Unlike WinRAR or Zip, this tool will give you the highest compression. This tool is now only available for 32-bit versions, so far, but it will soon be available for 64-bit version and will also add some more features.
Points to Remember to Get The Highest Compression.
If you want to add files to a very small size you should to take care of the following things:
- Make sure the files you are trying to compress are not already in a compressed format like JPEG or MP4.
- Ensure that you are not trying to compress compressed file like .zip or .rar or any other.
- Check compression ratio percentages, if you have the highest compression compared to less percentage or zero percent, the compression ratio will be higher and the lower will be the file size.
- Make sure you select the maximum compression from the Compression tab.
How to Highly Compress Files
Step 1. Download and Install FreeArc tool on PC from Here.
Step 2. Now right click on the file which you want to highly Compress.
Step 3. Next, From the menu option, under FreeArc choose to “add to archive”.
Step 4. Next, from the menu, you can choose different setting according to your needs.
Step 5. Next, From the Compression Menu, select the “compression level”.
Step 6. Final, Click OK and that’s it the file will start to Highly Compress. It will take some time to finish, depending on your computers speed and file size.
You can find the test file at the end of this post which you can download and see the proof yourself. Remember to see the proof you need to install FreeArc on your PC.
Download test file here:1GB to 1MB
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