Facebook’s Dark Mode is About to Release Soon

facebook dark mode
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Facebook-related applications have been getting Dark modes for some time now, with Messenger having it since March 2019, Instagram joining the previous Fall, and WhatsApp making it official a few months prior. Given the circumstances, the nearest you can get to a Dark mode on genuine Facebook for the present remains Facebook Lite. That is finally going to change, in any event on Android, as these below shows.

Facebook's Dark Mode is About to Release Soon

Facebook’s Dark Mode is reimagined for your OLED viewing pleasure

AN almost final version (yet to be released to the public) shows that the main Facebook app interface is redesigned for your OLED viewing pleasure (and a few battery savings). You’ll be able to either force it on or else have it with the device’s global Dark mode settings. It’s, for the most part, a dark mode highlighting a few shades of grey with some light grey for icons, but actual dark – we’ve seen some reports that say the OLED pixels grey does what’s necessary for your battery so turning them totally off isn’t required.

Facebook's Dark Mode is About to Release Soon

Total update of the ‘Time on Facebook’ feature is likewise in progress, conceivably inciting you to utilize it more and acknowledge how inefficient you are with your valuable time. A coronavirus tracker could make it to the following Facebook application update as well.

It’s unclear when the new features will make it to the general public. Dark mode, specifically, is about to arrive soon.

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