Download and Install Provenance Emulator on iOS

Provenance Emulator
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Are you missing out on your favorite Nintendo, NES, PS2 games? If yes, don’t worry! You have landed on the right article.


In this article, we will discuss in detail the Provenance emulator and how to install it on your iOS device to play your favorite childhood games.

What is Provenance Emulator?

Provenance is a game emulator for iPad, iPhone, and other iOS devices that is capable enough to emulate Sega Genesis, Gear games, and also SEGA platforms.

This emulator also supports Nintendo, PS2, SNES, and NES games. You don’t need to have an Apple ID or jailbreak your iOS device to install this emulator.

The latest version of the Provenance emulator comes with advanced features like adding extra controls over Bluetooth, and on-screen control customization. However, if you want to play classic games on this emulator, you need to download additional ROMs.

Provenance Emulator on iOS

Features of Provenance Emulator

  • No jailbreak of iOS devices is required
  • User-friendly interface and easy to navigate inside the app
  • Support multiple consoles like PPSSPP, GBA, Nintendo, and more
  • It provides full support for online gaming
  • Gameplays can be recorded while sharing it with others over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth
  • The cloud data make sure that you do not lose your game while downloading
  • You can add your own game controls and own game maps
  • Some multiplayer games do not require Wi-Fi, as it allows you to play on local servers
  • This emulator is supported on iOS devices above the iOS 10 version

Download Provenance Emulator on iOS devices without Jailbreak

Provenance emulators can be found on third-party stores like iOSEmus, Tweakbox, etc., free of cost. However, if you face any installation problems, follow the below steps.

Installation Process for Provenance Emulator on iOS

Download Provenance Emulator on iOS
  • After downloading, you will need a side loader (like AltStore, Cydia Impactor, and AltDeploy) to install the app.
  • Visit the respective sideloader to install the IPA file.
  • After successfully installing the provenance emulator, you can see the emulator’s icon on the homepage. Click on the icon and launch it.
Provenance Settings - Provenance Emulator on iOS

Installation Process for Provenance Emulator on iPad

  • Firstly, you need to install the Cydia Impactor tool on your desktop if you want to install the Provenance emulator on your iPad. This tool is best for IPA signing.
  • Now, the Provenance IPA file needs to be downloaded for sideloading.
  • After downloading the IPA file, connect the iPad to your desktop and launch the iTunes app for updating.
  • Now, unzip the Cydia impactor tool and run the .exe file.
  • When the Cydia impactor is open, navigate to the IPA file’s location and drag it to the Cydia impactor app for Signing.
  • After you drag and drop the Provenance emulator IPA to Cydia impactor, a popup will appear on the screen asking for you to enter the Apple ID. Enter the ID and password and click on continue.
  • Now, the Provenance emulator is installed successfully on your iPad.

How to Add ROMs to Provenance Emulator to Play the Classic Games?

When the Provenance emulator is installed on your iOS device, it is empty, as it is not loaded with any games. So, to play the classic Nintendo games, you need to install Provenance emulator ROMs. For this, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Firstly, open the Provenance emulator and navigate to the home screen. Here, you can find the “+” symbol. Click on it to add Provenance ROMs.
  2. Now, you will be taken to the web browser section, where you need to search for the ROMs manually and add it to the emulator.
  3. Once you enter a website like, navigate to the “ROM Files” section and click on any ROM you choose to download. On the top right corner, you will have an option “Open in Provenance click on this option and install the ROM.
  4. Once the ROM is added successfully to the emulator, you can start playing your favorite game.
Import ROMs to Provenance Emulator on iOS

How to Fix Provenance Untrusted Enterprise Developer Error?

If you face certificate security issues after installing the emulator, follow the below steps:

  1. When you get the security popup, click on “Cancel.”
  2. If you are iOS 9 and below version, go to SettingsGeneral Settings → and click on the Profile section, and then select “Trust.”
  3. If you are on iOS 9 and above, go to SettingsGeneral SettingsDevice Management → Now, click on profile and then select “Trust.”

Conclusion – Provenance Emulator on iOS

Without any jailbreak or need for payment, you can easily add the Provenance emulator on your iOS devices by following the steps mentioned above. This emulator helps you play all your childhood favorite Nintendo games, PS2 games, and NES games.

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