How to Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown?

Windows 10
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Microsoft’s Windows is the best Operating System out there as it provides its users many features than any other desktop operating system. We are going to use one of the features to help you Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown at a particular time.


Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown

Method 1: Using Task Scheduler to Schedule Shut down/Restart

  • On pressing CTRL+R in windows the run box will popup. Then open taskschd.msc as shown below.
Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown
  • The Task Scheduler will open after this. Click on “Create Basic Task” which is present in the rightmost side.
Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown
  • Give the name of the task in the ‘Name’ box and write a description if you want to. Click on next after that.
Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown
  • Now you’ll be asked when you would want to schedule this task. Select ‘Daily’ to shut down at 11 PM every day. Then click on Next.
Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown
  • You will be asked to set the start date and time on the next page. Set it according to your requirements.
Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown
  • Choose the Start a program option on the next page.
Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown
  • Then on the next page, you need to add the script -s -f -t 0 in the Add Arguments box as shown below. If you’d want the shut down to commence after 60 seconds then replace 0 by 60 in the arguments section.
Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown
  • Finally, on the last page click on finish and you are done. Your PC will shut down at 11 PM every day.
Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown

Method 2: Create a Shutdown Timer using Notepad

  • Open the Notepad so that we can paste the code that we require to create the Shutdown timer.
  • Now paste the code that is given below in Notepad.
@echo off
 title Shutdown timer
 color 07
 echo Type in an amount of time (Seconds)
 set /p time=
 color 07
 ping localhost -n 2 >nul
 set /a time=%time%-1
 echo %time%
 if %time% EQU 0 goto Timesup
 goto loop
 title Time Is Up!
 ping localhost -n 2 >nul
 ping localhost -n 2 >nul
 color 07
 echo You have only 20 seconds before Windows Will shut down!
 ping localhost -n 20 >nul
 ping localhost -n 2 >nul
 ping localhost -n 2 >nul
 ping localhost -n 1 >nul
 ping localhost -n 1 >nul
 ping localhost -n 1 >nul
 goto Shutdown
 color 70
 echo Your Windows is now shutting down!
 ping localhost -n 1 >nul
 start C:\Windows\System32\Shutdown.exe -s
Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown
  • Save the file in .bat mode. We have saved as TechLatest.bat. You can name the file the way you want.
Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown
  • A command line will open up on double-clicking the .bat file we just saved. Now enter the time of amount in seconds and hit enter.
Schedule Windows 10 for Automatic Shutdown

There you go! Now you have your own shutdown timer!

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