How to Get Digital Wellbeing on any Android Phone

digital wellbeing on any android phone
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Digital Wellbeing needs no introduction. It first appeared in Pixel devices with Android 9 Pie update and later then it was rolled out for Android One devices too.


Some of the features are as follow:

Do Not Disturb: Improvements to Do Not Disturb to silence not just notification sounds, but also all the visual interruptions. Calls from starred contacts will still come through, so you don’t have to worry about missing something urgent.

App dashboard: Get a daily view of the time spent on your phone, how frequently you use different apps, and how many notifications you get.

Wind Down: Set a daily schedule to get your phone ready for bed. Grayscale fades your screen to gray while Do Not Disturb silences notifications for a restful sleep.

App timers: App timers let you set daily time limits for your apps. When you reach the limit, the app is paused for the rest of the day.

With Android Q update Google is planning to roll out a new feature which will be called as focus mode which will lock users out of certain apps marked as distracting. This new feature will ensure that users don’t go on using the apps unnecessarily, especially in their free time.

Now, these features can be used in any Android device without waiting for either Android Q update or Google to roll this feature to any Android device by installing an android app called ActionDash which does the same things.

How to enable focus mode?

  • Install and open the ActionDash app.
  • Select the Focus Mode feature under the Ways to disconnect option in the first section of the app.
  • Select apps and mark them as distracting apps to get started.

ActionDash works for phones running Lollipop or later. The app is free to use, but offers additional features like a dark mode for an additional $7 fee.

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