PS4 Controller Flashing White | Is There Any Fix?


  • Those who have played the PlayStation 4 (PS4) know that there are numerous titles and immersive gameplay experiences to choose from.
  • However, like any electronic device, the PS4 has its problems. Users frequently encounter flashing white lights on their controllers.
  • Luckily, we have some fixes that can potentially resolve the PS4 controller blinking white light issue.
PS4 Controller Flashing White
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Normally, flashing white lights on a PS4 controller indicate the controller is attempting to connect with the console. But sometimes, it never ends and shows continuously whenever you turn on your controller.


In most cases, this error is caused by a simple mistake, which can be easily fixed. When a controller cannot connect to the console either because the battery is low or for unknown reasons, this error occurs. So, let’s check out the fixes that we have gathered for you. 

Why is My PS4 Controller Blinking Blue?

Whenever your controller tries to connect with your PS4, its LED light flashes blue. Once you press the PS button, the light should turn solid blue. If it keeps blinking, you may have one of these issues:

  • Faulty PS4 hardware
  • Damaged cables or ports
  • Bluetooth issues
  • Software glitches

How to Fix PS4 Controller Flashing White

So, here are some fixes that will help you troubleshoot the PS4 controller flashing white light issue:

Fix 1: Use Another USB Cable

Ensure your USB cable is plugged into the computer correctly, and it does not lose connection when connecting. If it still fails to connect, you may need to try another USB cable.

  1. To begin with, you may need another PS4 USB cable that is compatible.
  2. Make sure the PS4 and controller are connected correctly.
  3. To see if it works, turn on the PS4 and the controller.

If it works normally, then it appears to be a problem with your cable. Otherwise, your controller or PS4 software could be malfunctioning. Here are a few things you can do.

Fix 2: Check The Battery And Charging Status

When you have Flashing White PS4 Controller problems in the league, the first thing to do is check your battery and charging status.

Ensure that your battery is fully charged after two hours by putting it on charge. It takes about two hours to fully charge the PS4 controller.

If this does not resolve the issue, it is possible that the charging cable, the charging port, or the battery itself is to blame. 


Fix 3: Press PS And SHARE Button

One workaround that has been proven effective by many PS4 users is another workaround. All you have to do is hold down the PS button while holding down the SHARE button at the same time.

Press PS And SHARE Button - PS4 Controller Flashing White
Photo by TheRegisti on Unsplash

Once your PS4 is turned on, wait a few seconds. You should then check to see if the PS4 controller is working properly.

Fix 4: Use Another Controller

If none of the solutions above work for you, you can try connecting another controller to your PS4 and then changing your PS4 settings, and then connecting your original controller that appears to be blinking white. You can borrow a friend’s controller if you don’t have one.

  1. Ensure that the alternative controller is working on the console by connecting it to it.
  2. Go to Settings > Devices > Bluetooth Devices using the alternative controller. Only the working controller must be shown in this window.
  3. After pressing and holding the PS and SHARE buttons together on the problematic controller, the light bar will flash twice every second or so.
Use Another Controller - PS4 Controller Flashing White
  1. Thereafter, the problematic one will attempt to pair with your PS4 if your working controller is selected, and it will use the working controller to select the not-working one. Whenever you’re asked to connect to a new device, just say yes.

It should now be possible to remove the white flashing PS4 controller problem.


Fix 5: Reset PS4 Controller 

It is possible to solve a variety of PS4 issues by resetting the PS4 controller, such as having the PS4 blink a white light or not being able to synchronize with the PS4. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Shut down your PlayStation 4.
  2. On your controller, locate the reset button near the L2 button.
  3. Hold the button down for a few seconds with an unfolded paper clip, then release it.
  4. When the controller has been reset, reconnect the controller to the PS4 with the USB cable and turn the console on.
Reset PS4 Controller  - PS4 Controller Flashing White
  1. For PS4 login, press the PS button.

It should take a few seconds for your controller to connect to your PC4 console and start working.

Fix 6: Initialize PS4 in Safe Mode

You can attempt to initialize your PS4 in Safe Mode if updating its firmware does not resolve the problem. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Hold down the power button for about 7 seconds until you hear two beeps.
  2. From the menu, select Safe Mode.
  3. Inside Safe Mode, select Initialize PS4 > Initialize PS4 (Reinstall System Software).
Initialize PS4 in Safe Mode - PS4 Controller Flashing White

Fix 7: Start Safe Mode to Rebuild The Database

Using this solution, you can scan your drive and create a new database of all your content. Depending on the number and type of data elements, this operation may take a long time.

  1. Firstly, on your PlayStation 4, press the Power button. It takes a few moments for the power indicator to turn off.
  2. If your PS4 is turned off, hold the Power button and release it once you hear two beeps: one when you press it first and another seven seconds later.
  3. With the DualShock 4 controller connected with a USB cable, press the PS button.
  4. When you enter Safe Mode, you will see 8 options. Select 5. Rebuild Database. After that, wait for the process to complete.
Start Safe Mode to Rebuild The Database - PS4 Controller Flashing White
  1. Try to use your PS4 controller again to see if it works.

Fix 8: Install Remote Play on the PC

There are some users who suggest that setting up Remote Play on a PC and then connecting it to their PS4 solves their issue. Here are the steps you need to follow;

  1. You can do this by going to Settings > Devices > Bluetooth.
  2. To pair the PS4 Controller with a Bluetooth-enabled device, remove the controller from the device and press the Share + PS button
  3. Once you’ve found the device, connected to it, paired it, and you’re done!

Fix 9: Update the Firmware Manually

In case resetting the controller fails to resolve the issue, it is possible to try updating the firmware. Here are the steps to follow;

  1. Visit the Sony website to download the latest firmware update.
  2. Afterwards, on the USB drive, create a folder called PS4.
  3. In the PS4 folder, create a folder named UPDATE.
  4. In the UPDATE folder, copy the firmware update file (PS4UPDATE.PUP).
  5. You’ll need to connect your PS4 to the USB drive.
  6. You should turn off your PlayStation 4.
  7. You will hear two beeps after pressing and holding the power button.
  8. Select the Safe Mode option.
  9. From the Update System Software menu, select Update from the USB Storage Device.
  10. To complete the update, follow the instructions on the screen.

Fix 10: Uninstall and Reinstall the Controller Driver

Here are some steps that will help you uninstall and reinstall the controller driver:

  1. Start by searching for Device Manager in the start menu.
  2. Find the PS4 controller drivers in Device Manager.
  3. Right-click the drivers to find Uninstall.
  4. Thereafter, to uninstall, click on the uninstall button and follow the instructions.
  5. Once the device has been uninstalled, reconnect it.
  6. When you reconnect, let the PC locate the drivers automatically.
  7. To scan for hardware changes, go to the Device Manager again and click the Action option.

So, that’s all we have for you on how to fix the PS4 controller flashing white light issue. Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. We hope you found it helpful. Let me know if you want more information in the comment section.


Further Reading:

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